
Slide AFFILIATE PROGRAM With Excellent Conversion Rates, Our Affiliate Program Practically Sells Itself. With The Widest Range Of Aquarium Brands, Customized Products & Services Making SGAquascapes.com The Revotionary Online Aquarium Supplies One-Stop-Shop.

Join Our Affiliates Team

Technic To Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer


How Does It Work?

Easy! Once we approve your application, you will receive a unique affiliate link and access to our marketing kit. All you need to do is place your link banners in your product reviews and on your website. Each time you refer a new customer to us and that customer makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

Is There A Minimum Payout Threshold?

Yes, we pay our affiliates in bulks of at least $200. We choose not to deal with any lower amounts.

How Much Can I Earn As An MEGALODON Affiliate?

The sky’s the limit! Some of our affiliates earn more than $7,000 on a monthly basis.

How Do I Get Paid?

When submitting your application, we will ask you to fill in your PAYNOW / PAYLAH  account. We will pay you directly to that PAYNOW / PAYLAH account.

How Long Will A Customer Be Attributed To My Account?

Occasionally, it may take your customer a couple of days to make their purchase. No worries, we will make sure you have that customer locked-in for 30 days!

When Do I Get Paid?

Our payout date is on the 20th of the month, the cut off date will be on the 15th of every month. For purchase made on 15th or before, payment will be issued on the coming 20th of the same month. 

Online Aquarium Supplies Platform

You Can Dream It, We Can Scape It!