


GF-G1 Pro Goldfish food pellet is the latest technological breakthrough in fish nutrition for the Goldfish formulated after years of research and development with
breeders and hobbyists. It contains a unique blend of ingredients that accelerates the overall development of head formation, body growth, body-shape
and fins, enhancing colouration and shine of your goldfish and at the same time ensure sexual maturation when they reach adulthood. In addition, GFG1
provides a complete and balanced source of amino acids, protein, calcium, fats, trace elements and stable vitamins that aid the goldfish in fortifying
its immune system and increasing its vitality.

All ingredients are carefully selected with consideration to the Goldfish’s unique digestive system, ensuring easy digestion and rapid absorption of nutrients.
GF-G1 also contains OF® Opti-GF, a thoroughly tested Metabolic Enhancer that further enhances the feed’s digestibility and absorbability by at least 30%.
This feed is specially formulated to suit the exceptional development of goldfish breeds including Ranchu, Oranda, Ryukin, Lionhead and Telescope. Most
importantly, the GF-G1 Pro Goldfish pellet ensures our hormone-free product uses only the finest ingredients to provide the best nutrition to your goldfish.

SKU: N/A Category:
Weight N/A
Weight & Types : [ Floating(F) / Sinking(S) ]

120g(S), 120g(F), 250g(S), 250(F), 500g(S), 500g(F)

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